Tarta de Santiago | Spanish Almond Cake

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Tarta de Santiago A round almond cake, dusted with powdered sugar, sits on a white plate. The cake has the emblem of the Cross of Saint James stenciled in the center using a contrasting caramel-colored powdered sugar design. The background is a marble surface.

Tarta de Santiago is a traditional Spanish almond cake that originates from the Galicia region in the northwest of Spain. This delightful dessert is closely associated with the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage, as it has been served to pilgrims for centuries. The cake is named after Saint James, the patron saint of Spain, whose symbol, the cross of Santiago, is often stenciled on top of the cake using powdered sugar. The exact origins of the Tarta de Santiago are debated, but it is believed to date back to the Middle Ages, with references to similar almond cakes appearing in manuscripts from the 16th century.

The Tarta de Santiago is known for its simple yet rich flavor profile. Made primarily from ground almonds, eggs, and sugar, the cake is naturally gluten-free, with a texture that is moist and dense, yet surprisingly light. The use of almonds gives the cake a distinctive nutty flavor, while the addition of lemon zest and a hint of cinnamon adds a subtle aromatic complexity. The cake’s simplicity allows the quality of the ingredients to shine through, making it a true testament to traditional Galician baking.

Tarta de Santiago is typically enjoyed as a dessert or afternoon treat, often accompanied by a cup of coffee or a glass of dessert wine. Its rich history and unique flavor make it not just a dessert, but a symbol of Galician culture and a beloved staple of Spanish cuisine.

❤️ Why You’ll Love Tarta de Santiago

Spanish almond cake: A round cake dusted with powdered sugar, featuring a cross design prominently in the center. The cake is placed on a white ceramic plate with a beaded edge, on a marbled surface. The cake has visible cracks on the surface.

If you a true almond lover and you’ve tried my almond cake, you’ll probobly will love this recipe. Tarta de Santiago is a true delight for almond lovers and those who appreciate simple yet elegant desserts. This traditional Spanish cake has a wonderfully rich almond flavor, with a soft, moist texture that melts in your mouth. It’s naturally gluten-free, thanks to the almond flour, making it a great option for a variety of diets. What makes this cake even more special is its history – it’s a centuries-old dessert with roots in the beautiful region of Galicia. Its rustic charm, iconic powdered sugar cross, and delicate balance of flavors make Tarta de Santiago the perfect treat for any occasion, whether you’re celebrating a special event or simply enjoying a cozy dessert at home.

🛒 Ingredients

  • Eggs – are the backbone of this cake, providing structure, moisture, and richness. When whisked with sugar, they create a light and airy base, helping to lift the cake and give it a tender crumb despite the absence of traditional leavening agents.
  • Sugar – adds sweetness and helps balance the natural bitterness of the almonds. It also contributes to the cake’s golden-brown exterior, creating a slight caramelization on the surface during baking.
  • Ground almonds – are the star ingredient, defining the cake’s unique texture and flavor. Almonds add a nutty richness and a moist, dense crumb that is characteristic of Tarta de Santiago. Their natural oils keep the cake soft and flavorful, while the fine texture of ground almonds ensures a delicate crumb.
  • Lemon zest – infuses the cake with a bright, citrusy aroma that cuts through the richness of the almonds and sugar. It adds a refreshing note that complements the nuttiness of the almonds, providing a subtle contrast that elevates the overall flavor profile.
  • Cinnamon – adds a warm, spicy undertone that deepens the complexity of the cake’s flavor. It enhances the almond flavor while adding a traditional touch that is commonly found in Spanish desserts.
  • Salt – might be used in a small quantity, but its impact is significant. It enhances the sweetness and flavor of the other ingredients, ensuring a well-rounded and balanced taste in each bite. Together, these ingredients create a cake that is rich, moist, and full of flavor, with a delightful balance of sweetness, nuttiness, and a hint of citrus and spice.
ingredients for tarta de Santiago: including a bowl of almond flour, a bowl of granulated sugar, four eggs, a whole lemon, a teaspoon of baking powder, and a teaspoon of coffee grounds on a marble surface.

🤌 How to Make The Best Tarta de Santiago

To make the best Tarta de Santiago, attention to detail and a few expert tips can make all the difference:

Perfect the Stencil Design: For the traditional Tarta de Santiago look, use a Santiago cross stencil to dust the top with powdered sugar. Ensure the cake is fully cooled before applying the sugar to avoid melting. Place the stencil carefully and dust generously for a clean, sharp design that honors the cake’s heritage.

Whisk Eggs and Sugar Thoroughly: Achieving the right texture for the cake starts with properly whisking the eggs and sugar. Whisk them together until the mixture is light, pale, and fluffy. This step is crucial as it incorporates air into the batter, giving the cake a lighter texture despite its dense ingredients.

Don’t Overmix the Batter: Once you add the ground almonds, cinnamon, and salt to the egg mixture, mix just until everything is combined. Overmixing can deflate the batter and result in a denser, heavier cake. The goal is to maintain the airiness you’ve created in the earlier step.

Use Lemon Zest Wisely: While lemon zest adds a refreshing citrus flavor, too much can overpower the almonds. Make sure to use only the zest (the yellow part) and avoid the bitter white pith underneath. A light touch with the zest will provide a perfect balance without overwhelming the other flavors.

Monitor the Baking Time: Tarta de Santiago can vary in baking time depending on your oven. Keep an eye on the cake as it bakes, and start checking for doneness at around 25 minutes. The cake is ready when a skewer inserted into the center comes out clean. Be careful not to overbake, as this can make the cake dry.

Allow the Cake to Cool Completely: After baking, let the cake cool in the pan for about 10 minutes before transferring it to a wire rack. This allows the cake to set and makes it easier to remove from the pan. Cooling completely on the wire rack ensures that the cake maintains its structure and doesn’t become soggy.

A close-up of a slice of Spanish almond cake (tarta de Santiago) on a white plate. The cake has a light, fluffy texture with a slightly browned edge and is topped with a thin layer of powdered sugar. Another slice of cake is blurred in the background on a similar plate.

🪄 Tips and Tricks

tarta de Santiago: A hand is lifting a slice of a round cake dusted with powdered sugar from a white cake stand. The cake has a decorative pattern on top made by the absence of powdered sugar, revealing the plain cake surface underneath. The background is a marble countertop.
  • Here are some tips and tricks to ensure your Tarta de Santiago turns out perfectly every time:
  • Use High-Quality Almond Flour: Since almonds are the star ingredient, using freshly ground or high-quality almond flour ensures the best flavor and texture. If possible, opt for finely ground blanched almonds for a smooth finish.
  • Toast the Almonds: Lightly toasting the almonds before grinding or using almond flour can enhance the cake’s nutty flavor.
  • Do Not Overmix: When combining the ingredients, be gentle and avoid overmixing. Overworking the batter can result in a dense cake rather than a light and moist texture.
  • Room Temperature Ingredients: Use eggs and butter at room temperature. This allows for better blending of ingredients and a smoother, more even cake texture.
  • Don’t Overbake: Keep a close eye on your Tarta de Santiago while it’s baking. It’s done when it’s golden on top and a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Overbaking can make the cake dry, so check it 5 minutes before the recommended baking time.
  • Dust Generously with Powdered Sugar: The traditional cross design and generous dusting of powdered sugar give the cake its iconic look. Use a stencil for the authentic cross of St. James or create your own design.
  • Serve at Room Temperature: Let the cake cool completely and serve it at room temperature for the best flavor and texture. The flavors of the almonds and citrus will shine through more once the cake has cooled.
  • Add a Citrus Twist: Some recipes call for lemon or orange zest in the batter. This adds a refreshing brightness to the rich almond flavor, enhancing the overall taste.
  • By following these tips, you’ll make a beautifully moist and flavorful Tarta de Santiago every time!

Printable version of Santiago Cross

A black, stylized floral design with three symmetrical petals on each side, resembling a fleur-de-lis, set against a white background.

*To download the image click on the right click on the mouse and click “save image

🗒 Substitutions

  • Cream Cheese Substitute: If you don’t have cream cheese, you can use mascarpone for a milder flavor and creamier texture. Greek yogurt can also be used for a lighter version, though the texture will be slightly less firm.
  • Gelatin Alternative: If you prefer not to use gelatin or need a vegetarian/vegan option, agar-agar can be substituted. Use it in the same way as gelatin, but note that agar-agar sets at room temperature, so adjust your steps accordingly.
  • Graham Cracker/Biscuit Substitute: For a different base, you can use digestive biscuits, shortbread cookies, or even a nut-based crust using ground almonds or pecans. For a gluten-free option, gluten-free graham crackers or crushed nuts work well.
  • Heavy Cream Alternative: For a dairy-free or lighter option, coconut cream can be used in place of heavy cream. It will still provide a rich, creamy texture with a subtle hint of coconut flavor.
A single slice of cake dusted with powdered sugar is placed on a white plate. The cake is light and fluffy with a golden-brown crust, with a small fork bite taken out of it. Another piece of cake is blurred in the background on a similar white plate.

🗒 Best served with

  • Tarta de Santiago is best served with simple yet complementary accompaniments that enhance its rich almond flavor. Here are some ideas:
  • Coffee or Espresso: The nutty, sweet flavor of Tarta de Santiago pairs wonderfully with the bold, bitter notes of a good cup of coffee or espresso, making it a perfect choice for an afternoon treat.
  • Whipped Cream: A light dollop of freshly whipped cream adds a creamy texture that balances the cake’s slightly crumbly consistency, without overpowering the almond flavor.
  • Vanilla Ice Cream: For a more indulgent pairing, serve a slice of Tarta de Santiago with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. The cool, creamy sweetness of the ice cream complements the rich, nutty cake beautifully.
  • Fresh Berries: Add a pop of color and a burst of freshness with a side of fresh berries like raspberries, strawberries, or blueberries. Their tartness complements the sweetness of the cake.
  • Lemon Sorbet: For a refreshing contrast, serve Tarta de Santiago with a small scoop of lemon sorbet. The citrus flavors cut through the richness of the almond cake, creating a balanced dessert.
  • Sweet Dessert Wine or Sherry: Tarta de Santiago is often paired with Spanish dessert wines like Pedro Ximénez or a sweet sherry. The rich, syrupy sweetness of these wines pairs beautifully with the nutty, almond flavor of the cake.
  • These accompaniments add a delightful touch to the traditional cake while letting its flavors shine.

👝 How to Store Leftovers

To store leftover Tarta de Santiago, follow these simple steps:

  • Room Temperature: Tarta de Santiago can be kept at room temperature for up to 2-3 days. Simply cover it with plastic wrap or store it in an airtight container to keep it from drying out.
  • Refrigerator: If you want it to last a bit longer, you can refrigerate it for up to 5-6 days. Be sure to wrap it tightly or store it in a sealed container to maintain its moist texture.
  • Freezer: For longer storage, Tarta de Santiago can be frozen. Wrap it in plastic wrap, then in aluminum foil, and place it in an airtight container or freezer bag. It can be frozen for up to 2-3 months. When you’re ready to enjoy it, thaw the cake at room temperature.

These methods will help preserve the flavor and texture of the cake for future indulgence!

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🤔 Common Questions

Can I make Tarta de Santiago without a springform pan?

Yes, you can use a regular cake pan, but a springform pan is recommended for easy removal, especially since this cake can be delicate. If using a regular pan, be sure to line it well with parchment paper to make removing the cake easier. If you’re using a different size pan, keep in mind that the baking time may need to be adjusted.

Is Tarta de Santiago gluten-free?

Yes, Tarta de Santiago is naturally gluten-free since it is made without any wheat flour. Ground almonds are used instead of flour, making this cake an excellent choice for those with gluten sensitivities or celiac disease. Just ensure that all other ingredients, especially the ground almonds, are processed in a gluten-free environment if needed.

Can I substitute the almonds with another type of nut?

Traditionally, Tarta de Santiago is made with almonds, which give it its signature flavor and texture. However, you can experiment with other nuts like hazelnuts or walnuts if you prefer. Keep in mind that this will alter the taste and texture of the cake, so it won’t be the classic Tarta de Santiago, but it could still be delicious!

How should I store Tarta de Santiago?

Tarta de Santiago can be stored at room temperature in an airtight container for up to 3-4 days. If you live in a particularly humid or hot climate, you might want to refrigerate it to keep it fresh longer. Before serving, bring it back to room temperature for best flavor and texture. If refrigerated, Tarta de Santiago can last up to a week. Just make sure it’s well-covered to prevent it from drying out.

Can I add other flavors to the cake, like vanilla or almond extract?

While the traditional Tarta de Santiago recipe focuses on the natural flavors of almonds, lemon zest, and cinnamon, you can certainly experiment with adding a small amount of vanilla or almond extract to the batter. Just be mindful that too much can overpower the delicate balance of flavors that make this cake unique. Start with a small amount, like 1/2 teaspoon, and adjust according to your taste.

Why didn’t my cake rise much?

Tarta de Santiago is not meant to rise significantly since it doesn’t contain any leavening agents like baking powder or baking soda. The cake’s texture should be dense yet light due to the whipped eggs. If your cake is excessively flat, it could be due to under-whisking the eggs and sugar, so make sure to whisk them until they’re light and pale before adding the other ingredients.

Tarta de Santiago A round almond cake, dusted with powdered sugar, sits on a white plate. The cake has the emblem of the Cross of Saint James stenciled in the center using a contrasting caramel-colored powdered sugar design. The background is a marble surface.

Tarta de Santiago (Spanish Almind Cake)

Tarta de Santiago is a famous and delicious Spanish almond cake. The cake is light, moist and super easy to make.
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Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 40 minutes
Total Time 50 minutes
Course Dessert
Cuisine Spanish
Servings 12


  • 5 (5) Egg large
  • 1 cup + 2 tablespoons (225 g) Sugar
  • cups (250 g) Ground almonds
  • 1 (1) Lemon zest from one lemon
  • ½ teaspoon (½ teaspoon) Cinnamon
  • Pinch (Pinch) Salt


  • 1. Preheat your oven to 180°C (350°F). line a 9-inch (22-23cm) springform pan with parchment on the bottom and rub the bottom and sides with butter.
  • 2. In a large bowl place eggs, lemon zest and sugar. Whisk until light and pale, about 3-4 minutes.
  • 3. Add ground almonds, salt, cinnamon and mix until combined and smooth.
  • 4. Pour the batter into the prepared cake pan and place in the preheated oven. Bake for approximately 35-40 minutes or until a skewer inserted in the middle comes out clean.
  • 5. Meanwhile, make the cross stencil, I will add a printable version on my website.
  • 6. Let the cake cool in the pan on a wire rack for about 10 minutes. Remove it from the pan and let it cool completely on the wire rack.
  • 7. Once cooled, dust the top of the cake generously with powdered sugar. To create the traditional Tarta de Santiago look, you can place a cut-out of the Santiago cross in the center of the cake before dusting with powdered sugar, then carefully remove the template to reveal the design.
  • 8. Serve and enjoy!


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Keyword almond, cake

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