Accessibility Statement

Various elements have been installed at the site listed below to enable people with disabilities to receive services and information as to all our visitors:

  • Navigate using the keyboard, by using the TAB + ENTER keys.
  • Texts which replaces graphic images (using the Alt tab).
  • Different contrast modes: normal contrast, high contrast, vivid colors and shades of gray.
  • Change text size by using access bar.
  • Increasing screen display (zoom) with access bar, or using the keyboard (Ctrl+,Ctrl-) or by using Ctrl and the mouse
  • Highlighting the important segments such as links or headlines.
  • Option to change the font readable database.
  • Forms: Use placeholder feature to assign the input field position /description. In this situation please click to navigate to the text field itself to enter text. In fields such as radio/checkbox use the tag label to expand the click area to the text area.
  • In a situation of browsing mode with high contrast, to stop flickering.