Tiramisu Recipe - classic Italian coffee flavored dessert. Made of ladyfingers (savoiardi biscuits) dipped in coffee syrup, rich mascarpone custard, and whipped cream or whipped egg whites. Follow this easy recipe to learn how to make one of the best desserts in the world.
Mix hot coffee with the liqueur (read recipe notes), pour into a large dish and set aside to cool.
Make the filling:
Place egg yolks and sugar in a large heatproof bowl and set over a pot with simmering water (bain marie). Make sure the bottom of the bowl does not touch the water. Start whisking constantly, until the sugar is dissolved, and the custard thickens. The temperate of egg yolk should reach 154-158ºF (68-70ºC). This step is optional (read recipe notes). Remove the bowl from heat and let it cool.
Add the mascarpone, vanilla extract and whisk until smooth.
In a separate bowl whip cold heavy cream to stiff peaks. Fold 1/3 of the whipped cream into the mascarpone mixture. Then the remaining whipped cream. Set aside. *read recipe notes.
Dip each ladyfinger into the coffee mixture for 1-2 seconds. Place in the bottom of a 9x13 inch (22X33cm) dish. If needed, break a few ladyfingers to fit them in the dish. Spread half of the cream over the soaked ladyfingers. Repeat with another layer of ladyfingers and spread the remaining cream on top.
Cover and refrigerate for at least 6 hours.
Just before serving, dust with cocoa powder.
FAQs: Make sure you read the FAQs for this recipe which are located above the recipe box for additional tips and troubleshooting! For extra tips and variations read the article.
Watch the Video: For a better understanding of the recipe, I always recommend watching the video recipe, which includes a step-by-step guide to help you succeed.
Egg whites vs Heavy Cream: Using egg whites gives a lighter, more traditional tiramisu, while heavy cream creates a richer, creamier texture. Choose based on your preference!
For the egg white version: In a separate bowl, beat egg whites to stiff peaks. Gently fold 1/3 of the beaten egg whites into the mascarpone mixture to lighten it. Then carefully fold in the remaining egg whites until fully combined. Then proceed the same.
Alcohol: While tiramisu traditionally includes coffee liqueur, marsala, or brandy, you can easily omit the alcohol or substitute it with extra coffee for a non-alcoholic version.
Tempering Egg Yolks: Whisking egg yolks over a bain-marie is optional but recommended for food safety. This step gently heats the yolks, reducing the risk of bacteria while maintaining a smooth, creamy texture.